Touch grass and Obsidian

Midnight Echo 19 was published just before Christmas, which includes my story ‘Track’. It’s just about a nice walk out in nature and definitely perfectly safe. Nothing terrible happens at all.

With a gorgeous cover by Tabatha Wood (who also has a ripper of a story here), the whole issue will inspire you to spend a lot more time out in nature. Or perhaps not.

The cover of Midnight Echo 19

You can pick up Midnight Echo 19 at Smashwords or

New ways of working

Way back in 2020, I write about using Visual Studio Code for fiction. Which I have been doing until this year. But I’ve found something that fits me even better.

It seems like everyone’s been talking about Obsidian recently. Or perhaps that’s just the YouTube algorithm. I think I first heard about it as a tool to for Dungeon Masters to organise campaigns, before falling down the rabbit hole of the roughly ten million plugins for it that will do nearly anything.

For the last six months I’ve been using it at work as both my daily to-do list and my wider personal knowledge store. And I’ve been using it for writing too. ‘Track’ was drafted with Obsidian, along with a bunch of other stories this year. It’s free, runs on everything, and is nothing but text files under the hood. Exactly my kind of tool.

I’m going camping in a few weeks. Will try and do as much walking around in nature as possible. Honestly. It’s like I didn’t get the message of Midnight Echo 19 at all. Take me to the beach! Take me to the country!